Prof. Francisco Suay Pérez Prof. Francisco Suay Pérez

Prof. Francisco Suay Pérez

Professor, Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU, COIL Coordinator, CEU universities, Spain

Keynote Speech: Empowering Global Minds: Harnessing COIL for Student Development

Francisco "Paco" Suay Pérez is a distinguished professional with a degree in Economics and a PhD in Economy and Business, specializing in marketing. He serves as the coordinator for COILs at CEU Universities, where he is also a Marketing professor. Paco is a leadership facilitator for CCL, a CEU digital transformation ambassador, a Microsoft MIE Expert, and certified in LEGO® Serious Play®. His diverse qualifications highlight his passion for technology, training, and people.

With extensive experience in sales, marketing, advertising, and international business, Paco has been a collaborator with business schools for over 20 years, contributing to master programs and nurturing future leaders.

On the international stage, Paco has held the presidency of the Dukenet university network and has collaborated with prestigious institutions such as IONA College in New York, FH Münster MUAS, Aschaffenburg TH in Germany, the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland, IAE Savoie Montblanc in France, and Santo Tomás in Colombia. His global engagements underscore his commitment to fostering international educational partnerships and enriching the academic community.


The conference focus on how to use COIL to develop your students discusses the implementation of Collaborative Online International Learning as an innovative educational tool. COIL connects classrooms from different parts of the world through collaborative online projects, facilitating interaction between students from diverse cultures. This promotes intercultural competencies, improves digital skills, and fosters active and collaborative learning. By participating in COIL, students develop a global perspective, preparing them for a globalized work environment.

Implementing COIL requires selecting suitable international partners, designing meaningful collaborative projects, and using technological tools such as videoconferencing and forums. It is also essential to establish evaluation methods that consider both the collaborative process and the results obtained. Constructive feedback is key to successful learning.

Integrating COIL into the academic curriculum provides a richer and more diverse education, developing crucial skills in students for their professional future. International online collaboration not only enriches academic knowledge but also prepares students to interact effectively in an increasingly interconnected world. COIL emerges as a powerful strategy to enhance the comprehensive development of students.