Prof. Krishn A. Goyal Prof. Krishn A. Goyal

Prof. Krishn A. Goyal

Director, Institute of Evening Studies & International Affairs & Syndicate Member, Jai Narain Vyas University, India

Invited Speech: Impact of Digitalisation & Automation on Employment (A Critical Analysis)

Prof. Krishn A. Goyal, is the Director Institute of Evening Studies & International Affairs & Syndicate Member, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur. He is an MBA, M.Com., M.Phil., and Ph.D. Prof. Goyal has been in the teaching profession for the past 28 years and has been associated with many reputable academic institutions in India and abroad. He worked as the Head of Management Department at BIT-WCAS Muscat, Oman, and has participated in over a hundred national and international conferences . Prof. Goyal has contributed more than sixty research papers to reputable journals , edited and authored twelve books. Prof Goyal's publications have around 1000 citations and reached millions of downloads His h-index is 12. He has supervised over ten Ph.D. graduates and one PDF. Currently, eight Ph.D. candidates are under his supervision. Prof. Goyal has completed five research projects and organized various seminars/conferences/workshops in India and abroad. Presently, he is the editorial board member in six international journals published from different countries. Prof. Goyal has participated in a panel discussion on globalization and its impact on Asia Pacific emerging economies at Newport, USA and chaired numerous technical sessions in international conferences. He has visited various universities in Malaysia, Singapore, USA, Thailand, UAE, Oman, Nepal, Turkey, Hong Kong (China), Macau (China), and Bhutan. Prof. Goyal’s work has been appreciated by many social and academic organisations. He has been awarded as the Best Teacher, Best Paper Presenter, Best Essay Writer and for Academic Excellence. Prof. Goyal received the IARE-2020 International Research Excellence Award, E- Acharya Award, The Academic Eminence International Award by AIMT-GKF USA-2024 and Vice Chancellor’s Award on 26th January, 2024.


Automation is a well known concept for the young developing economies across the globe, and it is recognised as a necessary condition for growth by almost all countries worldwide. While it is natural for people to fear this technological advancement as a sign of loss of employment. According to Bofa reports “Indian IT firms set to slash 3 mn jobs due to automation” 69% percentage jobs in India under threat by Automation in 20 years. Automation has the potential to eliminate 73 million US jobs by 2030, which would equate to a staggering 46% of the current jobs. 37% of Americans are worried about automation displacing them from their jobs. 85% of Americans approve of automation only in jobs that are dangerous or unhealthy for humans. We should not forget that people with ideal qualifications are successfully getting jobs in a variety of areas, including financial services, communications, and information technology. Besides, it reduces the need for a manual labor force that is either semi-skilled or unskilled.

Under such scenario, Purpose of this talk is to initiate a thought process on the current scenario of economic growth and the future job prospects. it is important to keep in mind that this trend of Automation is irreversible so we have to find ways out of it. I feel those willing to change themselves with the changing world will never find themselves unemployed. We as Academic institutions need to focus on creating Employers/entrepreneurs or  Job creators not employees to face this challenge of Automation. We need to develop courses on entrepreneurship in our business schools.  More and more start-ups are needed for economic growth with job opportunities. We must also invest in people by providing training they need to succeed in this new landscape.

I am optimistic and confident that technology creates more job opportunities than it takes away and Skilling, Re skilling and up skilling will be the solution.